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December 2017 | English | Pages: 32
The report examines the current state of technologies for indoor navigation and the importance of a technology neutral standardized approach to providing audio guidance to blind end- users.

By: The Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments (GAATES)
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Size: 1.1 MB
DownloadJune 2015 | English | Pages: 42
“This report was initiated and funded by The Delta Centre at the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs”.

December 2012 | English | Pages: 19
This explanatory memorandum presents in further detail the proposal for a new Directive aiming at the approximation of the laws

By: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), New York, and HelpAge International, London
Format: PDF
Size: 2.8 MB
DownloadNovember 2012 | English | Pages: 192
This report aims to raise awareness about the speed of population ageing and, more generally, about the experience of being old in our changing world.

November 2012 | English | Pages: 55
The Incheon Strategy provides the Asian and Pacific region, and the world, with the first set of regionally agreed disability-inclusive development goals.

November 2012 | English | Pages: 36
Mobile technology is raising the quality of education and improving access to it. Early initiatives in mobile education, or “mEducation” are already enhancing learning outcomes worldwide.

July 2012 | English | Pages: 18
This paper reviews the current policy and practice in relation to Assistive Technology supporting people to live well with dementia

October 2011 | English | Pages: 102
Travelling with Hearing Loss, commissioned by the New Zealand National Foundation for the Deaf, aims to establish what people with hearing loss want in terms of tourism products and services

March 2011 | English | Pages: 30
A G3ict White Paper Documenting How Mobile Service Providers Can Serve Persons with Disabilities and Seniors

January 2011 | English | Pages: 5
Using the internet can be a challenge for people living with disabilities.

By: ITU, The Centre for Internet & Society, G3ict, The Hans Foundation
Format: PDF
Size: 953 KB
DownloadFebruary 2010 | English | Pages: 162
The e-Accessibility Policy Handbook for Persons with Disabilities is based upon the online ITU-G3ict e-Accessibility Policy Toolkit for Persons with Disabilities.

February 2010 | English | Pages: 27
UNESCO, in cooperation with the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict)
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